What Type of Marketer Are You? Take the Quiz and Find Out!

Ever tell someone you’re a Marketer and have them say, “OK, cool…but, what exactly do you do though?”.
Us Marketers, we’re like Chandler in friends. Everyone knows we work 9-5 but no one has a clue what we actually do for a living.
If you’re anything like me you often try to avoid the million follow-up questions by telling them your’re a Blogger. Or a Writer. Or a Nurse.
We can’t go around explaining the concept of Analytics, PPC or SEO at social gatherings or that would probably be the last approach we’d get that night.
Many of us Marketers are multi-taskers; we’re basically writers, data-analysts, graphic designers, SEO experts and web designers rolled into one human-shaped ball of stress. On the other side of the fence, many of our kind specialise, or hope to specialise, in one, maybe two areas. In an ideal world, the areas we love working in and are fairly good at.
Do you often find yourself wondering what your biggest marketing strengths are, or what particular ares are suited to your talents? Are you the Creative Marketer? the Content Queen? the Data-Nerd?
Marketers of the Universe – I bring you our fun and astonishingly intuitive quiz; find out just what kind of a Marketer you are.