Smart Communication with Multi-Channel Marketing

One Platform, Multiple Channels.


Reach your customers where they spend time most. Our advanced multi-channel platform ensures your campaigns are seen by all your customers.

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Targeted SMS marketing allows you to simulate personalised, one-to-one interaction with multiple customers at the same time, making your customers feel unique, and your life easier. With an open rate of 98%, it is one of the best marketing channels for direct communication.

Push Notifications

Push Notifications increase customer engagement with apps by 88%! Keep your app top of mind with relevant updates on products, news, offers, promotions and competitions. Increase loyalty and conversions with personalised, hyper-targeted push campaigns.

Facebook Marketing

Tap into the essence of what consumers’ want with Facebook marketing. Use demographic data provided by Facebook to create appealing campaigns relevant to personal interests, hobbies, occupation, life events and even relationship status!

Email Marketing

What makes email communication so special at ZinMobi? The ZinMobi email channel enables clients to incorporate all of our product features to your email campaigns!

This means you can send Bulk, Targeted and Auto-email campaigns, with all the advantages of Control Groups, Conversions and Couponing. Unlike SMS you’ll be able to track open rates; email communication has never been so targeted!