NRA Show Networking Tips – How To Exit A Conversation “Politely”

In our last NRA Show networking blog, we mastered the art of starting an intriguing networking conversation.
Now it’s time to learn a few tricks to get out of one.
Unfortunately, there is no polite way to tell someone “you’re wasting my time”, so for conversations that are going nowhere, time-wasting or just mind-numbingly dull, these exit strategies are the subtle alternative to feigning a heart attack.
Note: Individual must have basic-intermediate level acting abilities.
1. Notice a Fictional Friend
(only to be attempted in a crowded area)
So an antagonising rep refuses to release you from their clutches. What do you do? Simply glance at a spot over their shoulder, look startled and begin waving frantically. Explain that you’ve just seen somebody you need to catch up with and hurry off. You needn’t wait for a response.
2. Disagree With Everything They Say
Not only a great way to make an abrupt exit, they’ll probably never speak to you again either.
3. Burst Into Uncontrollable Laughter
The kind of laughter where you’re clutching your stomach and can’t breathe. Mouth that you cant catch your breath to explain and stumble off in hysterics. If you don’t plan on seeing them again, who cares, it worked didn’t it?
4. Introduce Them to Someone Else
Grab a neighbouring attendee and introduce them to the speaker. “Have you met Fred? He’s very interested in this line of work”. If you don’t actually know the person you’ve introduced, rush off before you can see their reaction.
5. Remember a Fictional Meeting
“OMG I just remembered I have an important meeting, *glance at your watch* I’m late!”, and dash off like the rabbit in Alice in Wonderland.
6. The Strategic Drink Sip
This one is probably the most effective. Take a sip of your beverage and pretend it’s gone down wrong pipe by coughing hysterically. For the sake of politeness, raise your index finger mid-cough to indicate you’ll be back in one second. Proceed to cough and stagger out of sight.
7. Tell them the truth
Sometimes honesty is considered the best policy. Simply explain that you genuinely have no interest what they have to offer and thank them for their time. Being totally upfront and honest can actually be quite refreshing.
Who are we kidding… any of the first six suggestions will do fine.
Keep an eye out for our follow up blog later this week – The BIG Do’s and Don’ts of the NRA Show.
Don’t forget to download your free copy of the NRA Show Survival Guide for event highlights and more tips & tricks on making the very most of your attendance, here.
Good luck at the show from all the team @ ZinMobi and Mblox; we look forward to meeting you all in person soon!
Come visit us at booth #8819